原文 中古漢語
望廬山瀑布 Muang Lio San B’uk Bo【唐】 李白 [Dang] Li Baek
日照香爐生紫煙 nyit dzio hyang lo shaeng dzi en
遙看瀑布掛前川 yo kan b’uk bo guei dzen ts’uen
飛流直下三千尺 buei lyu d’ik ha sam tsyen tsyaek
疑是銀河落九天 ngyi dzi ngin ha lak giu ten
Gazing at a Waterfall on Mount Lu
[Tang Era] Li Bai (701 – 762)
The sunlit Censer Peak exhales incenselike cloud,
Like an upended stream the cataract sounds loud.
Its torrent dashed down three thousand feet from high,
As if the Silver River fell from the blue sky.
Translated by Xu Yuanchong (許淵沖)
《李白望廬山瀑布》鄭濤 畫